Announcements August 2016
Sunday 31st July
11.00am Morning Worship ‘The mountain of victory’ 1st Kings 18 v 16-45 Rev George Moore
7.00pm Evening Worship ‘Managing and measuring God’ Ruth 1 Rev George Moore
Sunday 7th August
11.00am Morning Worship ‘The mountain of defeat’ 1st Kings 19 Rev George Moore
7.00pm Evening Worship ‘A Bold Request’ Ruth 3 v 1-18 Rev George Moore
Sunday 14th August
11.00am Morning Worship ‘You shall not covet’ 1st Kings 21 v 1-29 Rev George Moore
7.00pm Evening Worship ‘Conspicuous Christianity’ Ruth 4 v 1-12 Rev George Moore
Sunday 21st August
11.00am Morning Worship Rev Ken Patterson
7.00pm Evening Worship Rev Ken Patterson
Church Notices
ReachOut magazines are ready for collection from the library corner.
Keep the date! Wednesday 24th August at 7pm: Please come along and help to get our property ready for the Autumn activities. There are jobs to do inside and outside, so if you are able to help a lot or a little it will all be greatly appreciated. Please bring buckets, cloths, window cleaning kit, brushes, step-ladders etc for indoors and outdoor brushes, work gloves etc. A list of jobs we hope to do will be put in Mosaic nearer the time. Thanks in advance, The property team
Readers: One way one you can be involved in our morning service is by the public reading of God’s Word. Maybe this is something you would like to do but are daunted by reading aloud, hearing the sound of your voice or simply standing up at the lectern. Well now is your opportunity to banish those concerns! Come along on Friday 26th August at 7.00pm to Mosaic and you will have the opportunity to try reading aloud in the church with an experienced reader to give you some tips and encouragement. We look forward to seeing you there.
Church Newsletter, Autumn Issue: Please note that the cut-off date for all items to be with me for the newsletter will be Sunday 11th September allowing a week for setup and printing. It is planned to have them ready for distributing by Sunday 18th September. This is a good opportunity for all organisation leaders, group leaders, those on Summer Outreach and others (1) to bring the congregation up-to-date and encourage new members. (2) To encourage other young people to consider future summer outreach schemes. Thanking you in anticipation. Please pass all items to Frank Murray. Tel. 028 9083 2944 E-mail:
For full announcement sheet: August Announcement