PW stands for Presbyterian Women, the women’s organisation of PCI. There are groups in almost all Presbyterian churches in Ireland, meeting regularly for fellowship and fun, while supporting the outreach work of the church at home and abroad. Our group meets on the first and third Mondays of each month, September to March. The PW motto is ‘Living for Jesus’, so our meetings are centred round this idea. We have a varied programme, including devotional, practical and informative meetings. All our meetings are open to women who wish to come.
1st & 3rd Monday of the Month, 2.30pm (September to March)
Life Groups
Sharing life together, understanding God’s word and applying to our lives, learning to live in community.
Various times and Venues. Email the Church Office for more details.
Bowling Club
The club meets on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm – 10.30pm. We extend an invitation to anyone interested in bowling to come and join us, you will be made very welcome. If you would like to try bowling but have not bowled before instruction can be given. Competitions are held within the club and we also play in the league.
Tuesday Evenings 7.30pm – 10.30pm