Announcements 8th March 2015
Sunday Services
Sunday 8th March
11.00am Morning Worship Tearfund Sunday Guest Speaker: Anita Harron followed by soup lunch and retiring offering
7.00pm Evening Worship Rev David Brice
Forthcoming Events
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: Wednesday 11th March 7.30pm with a special presentation to Mr Robin McBride, Clerk of Session
NORTH BELFAST PRESBYTERY SERVICE: Sunday 22nd March 6.30pm in Whiteabbey Presbyterian Church (our evening service is cancelled)
24/7 PRAYER WEEKEND: Friday 27th—Sunday 29th March
Leadership Events
MINISTRY COMMITTEE: meeting tomorrow night (Monday 9th March) as arranged at 7pm but in the Minister’s Room – come to the side door.
Discipleship Events
Mid-week: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: Wednesday 11th March 7.30pm with a special presentation to Mr Robin McBride, Clerk of Session
Organisational Notices
MEN TOGETHER: We join with PW on Monday 9th March at 7.30pm in the Burney Room when our speaker will be Mr Francis Jones who will show a film on ‘Old Belfast’. Everyone from the congregation is welcome. In order to determine numbers for supper please sign sheet in Mosaic.
TIME OUT 4 U: will run again on Tuesday 10th March. 10—11.15am. Please speak to Essie Brice for details.
THURSDAY TOGETHER: Mrs Mabel Shaw will be our guest speaker this week. Mabel has been involved with many charities including Disabled Christian Fellowship [D.C.F.] We meet as usual in the Burney Room at 2.30pm.
FoG would like to thank everyone for their support and generosity for the fire side quiz. We raised £228.
Congregational Notices
CATERING TEAM C: to meet in the Burney Room after this morning’s service.
ANNUAL REPORTS: Reports are available for those planning to attend the AGM on Wednesday. Any questions regarding the report should be submitted to Rev Brice by this coming Tuesday.
April Newsletter: All items for the church newsletter must be with Frank Murray by next Sunday 15th March. Tel: 028 9083 2944
Church Notices
Acoustic Night for Paraguay
14th March 7.30pm onwards Please feel free to drop into Mosaic for live music and refreshments. Everyone welcome! This is a fundraiser in aid of SAMS (South America Mission Society). Please speak to Jillian Newman for more information.
For full announcement sheet: Announcement Sheet 08-03-15