Announcements 6th October 2019


Sunday 6th October

11:00am Morning Worship Communion, Series: Why on Earth did Jesus say that? Sermon: ‘Who do People say I am?’ Scripture: Mark 8 v 27– 9 v 1, Rev George Moore

7:00pm Evening Worship Series: Studies in James, Sermon: ‘How to Handle Temptation’ Scripture: James 1 v 13-18, Rev George Moore

Discipleship Events

Mid-week Prayer meeting Wednesday 9th October at 7:30pm in the Burney Room led by David Johnston.

Leadership Notices

PROPERTY SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday 8th October at 7pm in the Minister’s Room.

CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday 8th October at 7:30pm in the Burney Room.

KIRK SESSION MEETING Tuesday 8th October at 8:30pm in the Burney Room.

Organisation Notices

PW (Presbyterian Women): Our next meeting is on Monday 7th October 2019 at 8:00pm in the Burney Room. Special Speakers are some of the ROMANIAN TEAM.  Come and hear of their experiences in Romania. ALL LADIES WELCOME.

PARENT AND TODDLERS  need more volunteers to help clean away toys, mats, small tables etc on a Thursday morning from 11:30am-12noon. Please speak to Rita or Sandra if you would be available to help. Many thanks.

Thursday Together: This week we will be having Mrs Marlene Redmond to give us a talk on her life and witness. We meet as usual in the Burney Room at 2:30pm.

Mosaic Garden will meet on Friday 11th October at 10 am. Come along and see how the autumn colours are progressing, enjoy a cup of coffee and a chat.  Everyone welcome.

For full announcement sheet : 6th October 2019