Announcements 13th October 2019


Sunday 13th October

11:00am Morning Worship  Shoebox Sunday, Rev David Thompson

7:00pm Evening Worship  Mr Matthew Horner

Discipleship Events

Mid-week Prayer meeting Wednesday 16th October at 7:30pm in the Burney Room led by Gloria Mawhinney.

Organisation Notices

SENIOR SUNDAY CLUB class meets this morning.

Thursday Together: This week we are pleased to have George Hewitt as our guest pianist.  We are allowing George to have his own choice of music  and we will be happy to sit back and be entertained.  You are welcome to join us for this event in the Burney Room at 2:30pm.

Church Notices

Handling the Word: The North Belfast Presbytery are planning to run another ‘Handling the Word’ course.  The course is open to all church members of the Presbyterian Church and provides an introduction to communicating God’s Word in Bible talks/sermons.  Anyone interested please give their name to Derek Kyle today, Sunday 13th October.

For full announcement sheet: 13th October 2019