Announcements 4th October 2020
Sunday 4th October 2020
11am Harvest Service – Rev Reuben McCormick
Discipleship Events
PRAYER MEETING: Zoom Prayer Meeting will be held this Sunday, 4th October at 8pm. Contact David Johnston or email for further details. If you would like us to pray for you or a situation in your life, then please message our Facebook page.
Church Notices
We are delighted to be able to begin worshipping together in the building again. It is our clear wish for everyone to gather but that is not possible with current restrictions and guidelines. We will be constantly reviewing and adapting to follow the guidelines and enable as many as possible to worship in the building.
The online service will continue. We have installed technology so that everyone can be part of the same service whether at home or in the church.
The church guidelines require 2 metres distancing at all times, this means we have a reduced capacity for worship – initially approximately 50 people. At the moment it appears people will be able to attend physically once per month.
If you want to come to church – Let your elder know that you want to come, they will pass your name on and then they will come back to you and let you know when you can attend. If you don’t have an elder – please email and let us know. If you don’t have email call and leave a message at the church office 02890848774 – and we will get back to you.
On your Sunday to attend:
- Ensure you have no symptoms of COVID. If you are unwell please don’t share your germs – keep them at home!
- Face – Bring your facemask – if you are over 13 you will need to wear your mask for the entire time you are in the building, unless you are exempt under the NI Executive guidelines.
- Fingers – you will sanitise your hands on your way in.
- Feet – you will need to keep 2 metres social distancing at all times.
- The Automatic door at the side of the church is the new main entrance.
- Your attendance will be recorded.
- You will be shown to the particular seat according to the pre-prepared seating plan, please follow the stewards guidance.
- We will Praise, Pray, Participate in Hearing God’s Word. There is no creche, children will stay with their parents – activity packs will be available.
- At the end of the service, we will all leave, orderly and keeping social distancing – through the main church doors, and depart in good time.
For full announcement sheet: 4th October 2020