Announcements 27th September 2020
Please join us on Sunday morning as we stay at home and link in with our service at 11am lead by our minister Rev Reuben McCormick
Discipleship Events
PRAYER MEETING: Zoom Prayer Meeting will be held this Sunday, 27th September at 8pm. Contact David Johnston or email for further details. If you would like us to pray for you or a situation in your life, then please message our Facebook page.
Church Notices
Public worship will resume on Sunday 4th October, 2020 at 11am. As current PCI guidelines will be adhered to, there will be a reduction in the numbers who can attend. If you would like to come to a church service and your elder has not been in touch with you, please email or leave a message on church office phone with your name and contact details. We are endeavouring to accommodate everyone but at the moment that may be one service per month. Elders will then be in touch informing you of the date of the service you are being invited to attend. The service will be broadcast live at the same time via YouTube and our church website. Arrangements will be under constant review as our aim is to get as many people to join in worship in the building at the same time.
For coming to church we would ask you to wear a mask, sanitise your hands on entering and leaving and keep 2 metres (6 feet) social distance.
For full announcement sheet: 27th September 2020