Announcements 26th May 2019

Welcome to our Children’s Day. A special welcome to family and friends of our children. This is also Rev Brice’s last service before his retirement and we welcome his family and friends to this service and lunch afterwards.


Sunday 26th May

11:00am Morning Worship Children’s Day, Rev David Brice followed by farewell lunch in Church Halls

7:00pm No Evening Worship

Discipleship Events

MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY will return in September with a new format during the vacancy. As well as a short devotional, there will be praise and prayer with a prayer emphasis on the matters relating to the vacancy. Just to remind everyone that

Organisation Notices

Mosaic remains open on Friday evenings – 6:30 to 8:00pm until Friday 14th June. Why not catch up with a friend or just take an hour out to chill out with a cuppa?

HOLIDAY BIBLE CLUB: Thank you to those who have already volunteered to help at this year’s Holiday Bible Club (22nd-26th July)! If you would be interested in helping but haven’t yet signed up, please speak to Rebecca McKinstry or put your name on the sheet in Mosaic. There will be a meeting at 7:30pm on 7th June at the church to discuss plans and assign roles.  There will be a special collection for Children’s Society (formerly Orphan Society) today. Envelopes are in the pews, please return them today or next Sunday.

Church Notices

PASTORAL COVER: This week please phone Rev George Moore if you require pastoral support. From 1st June please phone Rev Colin Morrision, Vacancy Convenor.

For full announcement sheet: 26th May 2019