Announcements 19th May 2019


Sunday 19th May

11:00am Morning Worship Communion Service, Rev David Brice

7:00pm Evening Worship Rev David Brice

Discipleship Events

MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 22nd May at 7:30pm in the Burney Room with Rev David Brice.

Leadership Notices

Property Subcommittee meeting on Tuesday 21st May at 7:30pm in the Minister’s Room.

Finance Subcommittee meeting on Tuesday 21st May at 7:40pm in the church office.

CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday 21st May at 8pm in the Burney Room.

Organisation Notices

Parent and Toddlers has now finished for the summer. We will recommence on Thursday 12th September. Helpers are asked to come on 5th September to clean the toys etc.

Just to remind everyone that Mosaic remains open on Friday evenings – 6:30 to 8:00pm until Friday 14 June. Why not catch up with a friend or just take an hour out to chill out with a cuppa?

HOLIDAY BIBLE CLUB: Thank you to those who have already volunteered to help at this year’s Holiday Bible Club (22nd-26th July)! If you would be interested in helping but haven’t yet signed up, please speak to Rebecca McKinstry or put your name on the sheet in Mosaic. There will be a meeting at 7:30pm on 7th June at the church to discuss plans and assign roles.

There will a collection for Children’s Society (formerly Orphan Society) on Children’s Day, next week. Envelopes will be in the pews next Sunday (please return envelopes by the following Sunday).

CATERING: All those who are on catering teams, anyone else willing to help with serving tea and coffee next Sunday at the leaving lunch and anyone willing to help tidy up afterwards, please come to the Burney Room after this morning’s service.

FAREWELL SERVICE CAR PARKING: To help with car parking on Sunday 26th May for Rev and Mrs Brice’s farewell service, we would ask that anyone who can park across the road at Farmley, to please do so. Please read carefully the signs regarding parking as some areas around the cinema have a parking limit. Please do consider where you park on that Sunday as many will be staying for lunch and there will be some folk leaving at the end of the service and we want to make access to and from the car park as easy as possible for everyone.

For full announcement sheet: 19th May 2019