Announcements 22nd March 2015
Sunday Services
Sunday 22nd March
11.00am Morning Worship Series: Who is Jesus? Sermon: He is the Sufficient One. Scripture: Colossians 1 v 15-20 Rev George Moore
7.00pm NORTH BELFAST PRESBYTERY SERVICE: in Whiteabbey Presbyterian Church
7.00pm Evening Worship Cancelled
Discipleship Events
Mid-week mission focus: Wednesday 25th March at 7.30pm in the Burney Room with Csaba & Ilone Veres – Missionaries in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Leadership Events
Discipleship committee: There will be a meeting of the discipleship committee (The Grace of Giving) on Tuesday 31st March at 7.30pm in the Minister’s room.
Organisational Notices
THURSDAY TOGETHER: We will be having the Rev George Moore with the EASTER MESSAGE in word and song. Douglas, Jim, Sam, Audrey, Jean and Marjorie will join us as we sing the familiar Easter hymns with Isobel on piano. You will be welcome to join us in the Burney Room at 2.30pm.
Thursday Together takes a break for 2 weeks and resumes on the 16th April.
Congregational Notices
Spring Newsletter: Elders and committee members please note that the ‘district bundles’ are ready for collection from the left hand corner of the church as you leave.
24/7 PRAYER WEEKEND: 27th—29th March. Sign up sheet is now on sign up desk.
Kirk Session have taken the decision to temporarily move the communion table to the rear, centre of the platform until a more permanent and appropriate arrangement can be made to solve the over-crowding at the front.
POWERPOINT ROTA: We are in need of two additional volunteers for the Powerpoint rota for Sunday evenings, this would involve a commitment of 1 Sunday evening every two months. Initial training if required would be given during Sunday morning services. If interested please see Alan Thomson or contact the Church office.
VOICE OF HOPE: Free bible reading notes are available from Mosaic. Please take a copy.
USED STAMPS: Thank you to all who collect used stamps – it is appreciated, but could I just remind everyone that at least a half inch needs to be left round the stamp otherwise it cannot be used, so some stamps are wasted. Thank you again.
IFES IRELAND: Prayernews available from Mosaic.
Church Notices
Mosaic will be open on: Thursdays 6.30 – 8pm Fridays 8.45am – 12 noon & 6.45 – 8.30pm
MOSAIC GARDENING: Friday 27th March 10-11am in Mosaic. All welcome.
For full announcement sheet click: Announcement Sheet 22-03-15