Announcements 14th March 2021
Sunday 14th March 2021
11am Rev Reuben McCormick, Series: Beatitudes, Scripture: Matthew 5 v 17-20
Discipleship Events
Zoom Prayer Meeting will continue online on Sunday 14th March 2021 at 8pm.
Leadership Notices
CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE Meeting Tuesday 16th March at 8pm via Zoom.
Church Notices
GPC KIDS ONLINE will be continuing on Fridays. Access to the videos can be gained via our Facebook page or YouTube Channel.
THRIVE ACADEMY: Monday 22nd March at 8pm. We have arranged an online workshop for parents, carers, leaders and anyone interested in how social media is affecting our young people’s wellbeing. To register for the event and receive the Zoom link please email This event is free of charge and open to anyone so please pass on details to anyone who is interested.
For full announcement sheet: 14th March 2021