Announcements 10th May 2015

Services Sunday 10th May

11.00am Morning Worship Men Together Annual Service Rev Lachlan Webster

7.00pm Evening Worship Spring Series: “Darkness to Light” The work of Nightlight – Brian Simons


Discipleship Events

Mid-week BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 13th May at 7.30pm in the Burney Room. Billy Graham Video – “The Cross” Rev David Brice


Organisational Notices

Thursday Together: This week Thursday Together will be going to Mossley Mill for their Annual Outing. We will be having Afternoon Tea followed by entertainment and would ask drivers and members to assemble at the Mill at 2.45pm [not any earlier]. We plan to finish at 5.00pm approx.

GOLFING SOCIETY: Monday 18th May Ballyclare Golf Club

FoG has finished now until 11th September. Thank you to everyone for supporting this year’s charity. We were able to give the Bible Society a cheque for £560 on our last night.


Congregational Notices

Christian Aid Logo

This is Christian Aid Week. Members of local churches will be collecting for Christian Aid in different areas. There are information cards and envelopes available in church this morning. If you do not have the opportunity to give, please bring your envelope to church next Sunday and place it in the offering plate.


Church Notices


street pastorsNewtownabbey Street Pastors: New Training to commence on Saturday 6th June 2015 with Roles & Responsibilities. Further modules will take place on Tuesday Evenings in June. For further details please email:



With Regret

We announce the death of Mrs Meta McDermott. The funeral took place on Friday 8th May at 5pm at Roselawn Crematorium. We extend our prayers and sympathy to her husband Hugh and daughter Jane.

For full announcement sheet: Announcement Sheet 10th May 2015