Announcements Easter 2016


Friday 25th March 7.30pm Good Friday Service

Sunday 27th March

7.00am Easter Dawn Service Zoo Car Park

11.00am Morning Worship EASTER. Series: Journey Like Jesus. Sermon: ‘Steps of Faith’ Scripture: John 20 v 1-9 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: To all God’s holy people. Sermon: ‘Which Way Now? Onward & Upward’ Scripture: Philippians 3 v 12-21 Rev David Brice

Wednesday 30th March 7.30pm Pre-communion Service

Sunday 3rd April

11.00am Morning Worship Communion Sermon: ‘The Encouragement of Easter’ Scripture: Philippians 3 v 10-14 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Communion Rev George Moore


Discipleship Events 

Mid Week Bible Study: There will be no meeting this week (see Pre-communion service announcement).

Wednesday 6th April at 7.30pm in the Burney Room, “The Cross of Christ in Gospel of Luke” (3) Implications of the Cross of Christ in Luke’s Gospel (Crucifixion event as viewed from the Emmaus Road) Mr Edgar McKinney

The Brackens Life Group meeting again Wednesday 6th April 2016 7pm – 8.30pm. The Rise and Fall of Israel (just so as we’re on the same page!). Lesley

DISCIPLESHIP EXPLORED: We hope to run the Discipleship Explored course commencing on Friday 15th April. If interested, please contact either Matthew Horner or Alison Orr. The course looks at the book of Philippians over 8 session and is an important guide to Christian living.


Organisational Notices 

PW (Presbyterian Women) next meet on Monday 4th April 2016 at 8pm in the Burney Room. Topic for the evening is “Oh Susanna” a Drama by Eva Baxter as John Wesley’s wife.  This should  be a very interesting evening;  ALL LADIES WELCOME

Thursday Together: Thursday Together will be having a holiday and will resume on 7th April at 2.30pm in the Burney Room.

FoG is on holiday until Friday 15th April.

 BOOK CLUB: The next book club will be held on May 6th at 7.00pm in Mosaic. The book for discussion on that evening is Hard Times by Charles Dickens.


Church Notices 

PREPARATION OF VOTERS LIST: Kirk Session have been given permission to seek the election of up to 6 additional elders.  In preparation for this a voters list will be published Sunday 10th April. The qualifications of a voting member are as detailed in Paragraph 175 of the PCI Code (detailed below).  You are invited to examine the list and if you have objections to any name present or absent from the list please put in writing and sign to the Moderator by Sunday 17th April.

  1. (1) Voting members in the Church are communicants on the roll of the congregation who are listed, whether by name or number, as having contributed to the stipend or weekly freewill offering of the congregation in the last financial year. (2) In addition to those so listed the following shall also be qualified, if themselves communicants on the roll – (a) A wife shall be qualified on a husband’s contribution, and vice versa, where both are communicants. This shall also apply should the contributor himself or herself not be a communicant. If neither husband nor wife in such circumstances is a communicant, then their contribution shall qualify the eldest child, residing in the family, who is on the communicants’ roll. (b) Should a contributor, who is not a communicant, be a member of a family residing together, then his contribution shall qualify the eldest member residing in the family who is on the communicants’ roll. (c) Those who have been added to the communicants’ roll of the congregation since the close of the last financial year, upon confirmation by the treasurer that they have contributed during the current year, shall also be qualified voters.

Presbyterian Herald and ReachOut magazines are ready for collection from the  library corner.

THANK YOU for all the generous donations on Tearfund Sunday, we raised £1366.

For full announcement sheet: Easter 2016