Announcements Christmas 2018


Sunday 23rd December

11:00am Morning Worship All age Service by Sunday Club

6:00pm Evening Worship ‘Sing Christmas’ Our Song Café Christmas Service followed by tea and mince pies

Sunday 30th December

11:00am Morning Worship Rev George Moore

No Evening Worship

Church Notices

Boxing Day Bash is from 10:30am to 12.30pm all are welcome for some unihoc and volleyball fun.

Soccer Shed – Friday 28th December, 3:00-5:00pm

Christmas Quiz –  Friday 28th December, 7:30pm

New Year’s Day Walk: Wrap up well and walk off the chocolates and Christmas cake  on New Year’s Day at Castle Gardens (Clotworthy House) Antrim. We meet at 1:30 pm sharp for a convivial stroll in the fresh air and a cuppa afterwards! Why not invite some else to come along with you.

WORLD DEVELOPMENT APPEAL: Envelopes have been circulated to every home in the congregation. Please donate generously by bringing your envelopes over the next two Sundays.

Presbyterian Herald: Subscription for one year has had to be increased to £15. If you would like to order a magazine for the first time or change your order please see Margaret Gormley.

For full announcement sheet: Christmas 2018