Announcements 5th May 2019


Sunday 5th May

11:00am Morning Worship including Project Romania Team Report, Series: Grounded on God’s Love (Walking with Jesus), Scripture: Ephesians 6 v 5-9, Rev David Brice

7:00pm Evening Worship Rev David Brice

Discipleship Events

MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 8th May at 7:30pm in the Burney Room with Rev George Moore.

Organisation Notices

PW ANNUAL CONFERENCE is on Thursday 9th May 2019 in the ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS at 2:00pm and 7:30pm. Special speaker is Helen Warnock who is the Principal of Belfast Bible College.  ALL LADIES WELCOME.  If you are interested in going to either of the meetings please let Vera Noble know as soon as possible.

Thursday Together: A change of time and a change of place this week.   Thursday Together will meet at Mossley Mill for Afternoon Tea at 3:00pm followed by entertainment with Billy Edwards.  We should finish at approximately 5:00pm.

PARENT AND TODDLERS will start again on Thursday 9th May at 10am.

MEN TOGETHER: Men’s Breakfast on Saturday 11th May, 2019 8:30am in the Burney Room, Speaker: Stuart Elliott – Retired Professional footballer FOLLOWED BY BREAKFAST IN TRINITY RESTAURANT. Sign up sheet in Mosaic.

PASTORAL COVER: Rev Brice will be on annual leave from 6th to 13th May. During this time Rev George Moore should be contacted regarding pastoral emergencies.

For full announcement sheet: 5th May 2019