Announcements 5th February 2017

Sunday 5th February

11.00am Morning Worship Guest Preacher: General Secretary of IFES World, Daniel Bourdanné

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: God wins Sermon: ‘A Date in God’s Diary.’ Scripture Revelation 15 v 1 – 16 v 21 Rev David Brice


Discipleship Events

MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 8th February at 7.30pm in the Burney Room. 2. How We Are – Identity ‘Close to Home’ Rev David Brice

Life Groups as arranged


Leadership Events

Election of Committee: Voting commences today. Voting papers and voters list are available at Sign Up Desk in foyer.  The Voting Box is also in place in the foyer. Voting papers must be signed and name printed in capitals. All persons on the voters list are eligible for Committee. Do not vote for elders including those recently ordained, they are all automatically on Committee.

Taking Care Training: Refresher: 7.30pm, Tuesday 7th February, Kells Presbyterian Or 7.30pm, 8th February at Dunmurray Presbyterian


Organisation Notices

PW (Presbyterian Women) next meet on Monday 6th February 2017 at 8.00pm. Special Speakers: Edgar & Sandra McKinney. Subject: The Holy Land. ALL LADIES WELCOME.

THURSDAY TOGETHER: The speaker this week will be Wesley Bonar from Sentry Hill and he will be talking about the Pioneer Aviator, local girl Lilian Bland.  Lilian was the first lady in the world to design and fly an aeroplane and it all happened on Carnmoney Hill. Visitors are welcome to join us in the Burney Room at 2.30pm.

For full announcement sheet: 5th February 2017