Announcements 4th September 2016

Sunday 4th September

11.00am Morning Worship including Back to School Series: Romans in Context. Sermon: ‘Servant or Shopper’ Scripture: Romans 1 v 1-7 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship Series: God wins. Sermon: ‘The 7 Seals (Part 3)’ Scripture: Revelations 6 v 12-7 v 17 Rev David Brice


Discipleship Events

COMMUNICANTS CLASS: Thursday 8th September at 7pm in the Minister’s Room

MID-WEEK BIBLE STUDY will recommence on Wednesday 8th September at 7.30pm in the Burney Room.


Organisation Notices

THE SUNDAY CLUB  will resume today 4th September beginning at 11.00am in church and finishing at 12.15pm in the McKinley Hall.  All primary school aged boys and girls are welcome to come along and have fun learning about Jesus.

Craft Class starts on Monday 5th September at 10.00am.

GOLFING SOCIETY: Captain’s Day Monday 5th September from 1.30pm at Carrick Golf Club followed by supper in club house. Please sign sheet in Mosaic and indicate choice of meal.

The Walking Club will meet at the church on Wednesday, 7th September at 9.30am.  We hope to walk in Whitehead.  New walkers are always welcome.

PARENT AND TODDLERS recommences 8th September at 10.00 am.

FoG will recommence on Friday 9th September 7 to 8.15pm. All primary school aged children welcome.

MEN TOGETHER: Saturday 10th September 8.30am in the Burney Room with Mr Chris Still, followed by breakfast in Trinity Restaurant. Please sign sheet in Mosaic and indicate choice of breakfast.

ART CLASS starts Tuesday 13th September at 9.30am. New members welcomed.

THURSDAY TOGETHER: Thursday Together resumes on the 15th September at 2.30pm in the Burney Room.  We extend a warm welcome to anyone who would be free to join us on a Thursday.


Forthcoming Mosaic Events

Mosaic_logoMosaic is Back! café will be open on: Thursdays 6.30—8pm, Fridays 8.45 – 11.30am & 7 – 9pm

Starting 9th September for 6 weeks 9.30—11.30am, Beginners Class Applique Cushions £48, please see Helen Duff. Only 2 places left.


For full announcement sheet: 4th September 2016