Announcements 2nd October 2016
Sunday 2nd October
11.00am Morning Worship Communion Series: Romans in Context. Sermon: ‘God versus whoever’ Scripture: Romans 1 v 16 Includes Children’s talk by Ben Smyth
7.00pm Evening Worship Communion
Discipleship Events
MID-WEEK BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 5th October at 7.30pm Series: The Church Rev David Brice
LIFE GROUPS: The Brackens Life Group starting again Wednesday 5th October 7pm. We are onto the New Testament section of Essential 100, starting with The Living Word p84-90
discipleship subcommittee meeting Tuesday 4th October at 7pm in the Ministers Room
Organisation Notices
PW (Presbyterian Women) – next meeting in the Burney Room on Monday 3rd October 2016 at 8.00pm. Special Speakers: Norman & Linda Patterson who will be telling us about Project Romania. ALL LADIES WELCOME.
THURSDAY TOGETHER: Des Thompson will be the guest speaker at this week’s meeting. Des will be talking about what is involved in training ‘Hearing dogs for Deaf People’ and hopes to bring one of these ‘friends’ with him. We meet at 2.30pm in the Burney Room.
Walking Club: The Walking Club will meet on the second Wednesday in October. We will meet at 9.30 am in the Burney Room on Wednesday, 12th October to walk at Stormont. New walkers are always welcome.
TIME OUT 4 U: Tuesday 11th, 18th and 25th October, 10-11.30am please see Amy Hunter for details.
Church Notices
MAGAZINES: The Presbyterian Herald & ReachOut Magazines are ready for collection from the library corner.
THANK YOU for the anonymous donation to Newtownabbey Street Pastors. It has been passed on to the treasurer and will be used to purchase supplies for the teams each Friday and Saturday night.
For full announcement sheet: 2nd-october-2016