Announcements 27th May 2018


Sunday 27th May

11:00am Morning Worship  Series: Journey Like Jesus Sermon: ‘Jesus fills our emptiness’ Scripture: John 21 v 1-14 Rev David Brice

7:00pm Evening Worship Rev David Brice

Leadership Notices

KIRK SESSION CONVENORS: There will be a brief meeting after this morning’s service in the Minister’s Room.

Organisation Notices

PW ALLOCATIONS: £800.00 has been forwarded to PCI towards our Missionary Funds. Also £120.00 towards our Roof fund. Total amount issued to roof fund £1150.00 Thanks to all who contributed.

MOSAIC NIGHT IN! Grab a takeaway and bring it to Mosaic for The Big Feed. Friday 1st June @ 7pm.

Church Notices

ANNUAL LEAVE: Rev Brice will be on one weeks annual leave from Monday 28th May to Sunday 30th May. Please contact Rev George Moore in the event of urgent pastoral need. Telephone: 028 9034 2832.

FAMILY AND COMMUNITY WORKER: After almost 5 years of endeavour, determination and faithful service, Amy Hunter is moving on. Amy has obtained a similar but full-time post with 1st Larne. Amy’s last Sunday service with us will be 24th June. We wish her God’s richest blessing in this new venture and know that God will continue to use her to bring blessing.

For full announcement sheet: 27th May 2018