Announcements 21st June 2020


Please join us on Sunday morning as we stay at home and link in with our service at 11am

This is the first service lead by our new minister Rev Reuben McCormick

Church Notices

PRAYER MEETING: Sunday 21st June at 8pm via Zoom. Email:, message our Facebook page Glengormley Presbyterian Church or telephone 028 93352536 for Meeting ID.

Our Daily Bread Bible Notes:  As we are unable to distribute copies of the Bible notes in the usual way just now, members of the Congregation can access copies themselves in a number of ways.  You can sign up to receive a copy at, or telephone their office on 015395 64149, or email at  Also you can read a copy on their app, by email, or online at

Volunteers to read: Following the installation of the Rev. Reuben McCormick we will be producing our own GPC online services. Reuben would like members of the congregation to be involved as many of you were when we were able to meet in person. If you have not previously read in church but could do a reading by video/audio on your phone/iPad please get in touch – Kerry Newman 02890842995. For those of you who were daunted by a sea of faces in church, this is a new opportunity to be involved. Many thanks.

CEOP have produced a short video for parents and carers about encouraging online safety at home:

New Horizon Update : June 2020 Online Evening Celebrations 26 to 30 July. While we can’t re-create the buzz of the big tent online, many of our regulars have  expressed their hope that New Horizon can do something to encourage the body of Christ through the summer months.  We have been listening and praying and we believe it is right to contribute something to feed God’s people and, through them, to encourage their church fellowships.  Coronavirus has changed much but God’s Word is not changed and we are still called to be the Healthy, Serving Church in our time. Please spread the word that we will release scaled-down evening celebrations on the theme ‘Healthy Church; Serving Church’  from Sunday 26 July to Thursday 30 July at 8pm. There will also be something from Livewire, OnTheEdge and SU so make sure to watch out for more details.

For full announcement sheet: 21st June 2020