21 April 2013


Sunday 21st April

11.00am  Morning Worship: Annual Men Together Service. Rev Trevor Gribben

7.00pm Evening Worship: Rev David Brice

Sunday 28th April

11.00am  Morning Worship. Series: The Gospel. Sermon: Chapter 2 “Why did things go so wrong?” Romans  6 v 15-18 Rev George Moore

7.00pm Evening Worship: Commissioning of Street Pastors, Newtownabbey. Guest Preacher from Ascension Trust. Mayor of Newtownabbey will be our special guest.



Friday 26th April 7.30pm – Variety Concert

Sunday 19th May 11.00am – Morning Worship. Presbytery Consultation Finding. Rev Dr Lesley Carroll

Sunday 26th May 11.00am – PCI Overseas Mission. Rev Uel Marrs



Mid-week meeting: Wednesday 24th April 7.30pm Burney Room with Philip and Rachael Agnew from Child Evangelism Fellowship.

LIFE GROUPS: as arranged.



MISSION COMMITTEE MEETING: Monday 22nd April at 7.30pm in the Minister’s Room.

CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE MEETING: Tuesday 23rd April at 8pm in the Burney Room.

Porterbrook Course: We hope to commence a new course on Friday 3rd May, if interested please put your name on the list in Foyer.



Catering Announcement: Would catering Team “B” please come to the Burney Room after this morning’s service for a short meeting.

PW: Members of our PW group are planning to send a box of medical supplies to Malawi. We are raising money to buy the items needed.  If any other members of the congregation would like to contribute to this effort, they can give their gifts to any member of PW.

THURSDAY TOGETHER: Doreen Corcoran from the Ulster History Circle will be giving a talk on ‘Blue Plaques’ some of which can be seen in our area.  We meet in the Burney Room at 2.30pm on Thursday 18th April.

HOLIDAY BIBLE CLUB: There will be two HBC meetings for all team members after the Sunday morning services on 21st April and 19th May.  The meetings will conclude at 3.30pm and lunch will be provided.  HBC Dates for your diary:  HBC Preparation Day – Sat 15th June, HBC – 1st-5th July, HBC service – Sunday 7th July at 11am



Variety Concert: Members of our organisations will be putting on a Variety Concert on Friday 26th April 2013 at 7.30pm in the McKinley Hall. Do come along and support them. Tea/coffee will be served in the interval and there is no admission charge. A great night’s entertainment for everyone!

FOUNDATION TAKING CARE TRAINING: If you are a new leader and haven’t been to training yet please see the Poster in the Foyer on the Youth Board for all events. The closest is at Whitehouse Presbyterian on 14th May 2013 @ 7.30pm. Please let your leader-in-charge or Lesley Bell know which event you intend to go to.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD – SHOEBOX APPEAL: Are you spring cleaning??? If you are would you please look out for any wool or buttons which you could donate to this appeal? I know Christmas is a long way off but we need to be knitting scarves, hats, hand puppets and pencil cases for next years boxes over the coming months. We have been overwhelmed by the response we had in previous year’s and would like to thank everyone who has donated wool or knit for the shoe boxes. Special thanks have to go to the Craft Group who once again is helping this year. So if you do come across any wool or buttons please bring them to Church and put them in the box which is now located under the table close to the library at the rear of the Church. Thanks again. Ann and Maureen.



MODERATORS APPEAL FOR SYRIA: You will find a letter from our Moderator regarding an appeal for Syria as well gift envelopes in the pews this morning. The collection will take place next Sunday; please plan to give generously.

KIDS BIG DAY OUT: Saturday 27th April 2-4pm, for primary school aged children and their leaders. Tickets cost £4 and are available from the youth and children’s office.

YOUTH NIGHT: Saturday 8th June at 7.30pm in Assembly Buildings, Belfast. See notice in foyer for further details.



Sarah Bell and Rosalind Ware are part of a team heading to South Africa in the summer and are fundraising to buy resources to bring with them for the communities in George. They are absolutely willing to do any unwanted chore or odd job: babysitting, painting fences, cutting grass, cleaning etc. Please pick up a leaflet in the vestibule and contact one of them!

Memorial Service: On Tuesday 16th April Rev Brice on behalf of the congregation attended a re-dedication service of two memorial plaques of Policemen who died while serving in the Glengormley area. The closure of the Glengormley Police Station resulted in the memorial plaques being moved to Newtownabbey Police Station, Shore Road.  On 26th January 1974 Reserve Constable John Molyneaux Rodgers (49yrs) was on foot patrol in Glengormley village when he was fatally shot by terrorists. On 6th September 1974 Inspector William Elliott (40yrs) was shot dead while attempting to arrest terrorist bank robbers in Rathcoole. He was posthumously awarded the Queen’s Police Medal for Gallantry. In 1974 there were 3500 shooting incidents and 1200 bombing incidents in Northern Ireland. Glengormley Police station was opened in 1938 and closed October 2011.

CARNMONEY GARDENING SOCIETY will hold their annual coffee morning and plant sale on Saturday 27th April from 10am – 12noon in the Minor Hall, Carnmoney Presbyterian Church. Proceeds to local charities.

New Horizon 2013: This year’s programme will run from Saturday 20th to Friday 26th July 2013 with the theme – A Radical Obedience to His Word. Bible readings will be taken by Rikk Watts of Regent College Vancouver. The evening celebrations will be shared by Simon Ponsonby – St Aldates and Krish Kandiah UK Evangelical Alliance Publicity material is in the vestibule – do plan to go along.

DIVINE HEALING SERVICE in St. Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast on Monday 22 April at 8pm – see notice in foyer.

OM: Coffee Morning, Corrs Corner Saturday 27th April at 10am – see notice in foyer.

BELFAST CITY MISSION: Annual Rally Thursday 25th April at 7.30pm – see notice in vestibule.

LIONS ORGANISATION have produced useful help line cards. Please take one from the foyer and keep it in a safe place.

YOUTH FOR CHRIST: Year out opportunities and Project 32. See notices in foyer for further details.

TECH CAMP: For ages 13-16 from 31 July to 4 August – see noticeboard for details.


Prayer Diary

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3 v 5-6

Monday 22nd April Pray for the many members who are no longer able to come to worship in church because of age or illness. Pray for Jim Lyttle as he ministers to them through prayer, fellowship and the reading of God’s Word.

Tuesday 23rd April Pray for Glorija and Sebastian Forjan as they continue to serve the Lord in Slovenia. Pray for the “Eggerichs” – a couple from USA who are coming to teach, during a week of outreach in May all over Slovenia on “Marriage Relationships” – Slovenia has one of the highest rates of divorce in Europe.

Wednesday 24th April Prayer for the situation in North Korea, remembering Kim Jong Eun, the young leader, that he would not make decisions which would endanger lives. Praise God that the church of Jesus Christ is continuing to grow in North Korea, despite opposition to it.

Thursday 25th April Pray for Lydia de Tarragon as she is now in the Republic of Congo, working with Medair – a company which supports health projects including HIV prevention, water supply and primary health care. Pray for her protection and that she will soon settle into a very new situation.

Friday 26th April Give thanks for the number of children who come to FoG on a Friday evening. Pray for each leader as they prepare for the Bible teaching given, so that the young people will come to know that Jesus died for them and wants each one to commit his or her life to Him. Pray also that parents would accept the invitation given to come along to the church concert this evening.

Saturday 27th April Pastors from areas in North East Japan, devastated by the Tsunami, just over two years ago, have shared that the emotional state of survivors has deteriorated and the need for emotional and spiritual care is higher than ever. Pray for Pastor Takahashi as he prepares to take on leadership of OMFs Iwate Relief project when Mike and Rowena McGinty go on Home Assignment.

Sunday 28th April “Worship the Lord, in the beauty of holiness, bow down before Him, His glory proclaim. Gold of obedience and incense of lowliness, Bring and adore Him, the Lord is His name.” Give thanks for the freedom we enjoy to worship the Lord, remembering brothers and sisters in parts of our world where this is not possible.