Announcements 20th March 2022


Sunday 20th March 2022

10:30am Dan Black – CAP  – live streamed

6:30pm Rev Reuben McCormick – in person Prayer Meeting

Discipleship Events

MIDWEEK: Wednesday, 23rd March at 7:30pm in  the Burney Room. Cecil Robinson will be leading the midweek. All welcome.

Church Notices

MODERATOR’S APPEAL: The Moderator has launched a Special Appeal towards the emergency relief effort to help people in Ukraine and those fleeing the conflict. PCI is immediately releasing £60,000 (€72,035) to be distributed to: Christian Aid, Tearfund and Hungarian Reformed Church Aid.  You can contribute by leaving envelopes marked ‘Moderators Appeal’ in the collection plate or contact Mark Stevenson for details on how to complete a bank transfer. You can also contribute directly on the PCI website

AGM: There will be a short AGM after morning service next Sunday, 27th March. Copies of church accounts can be collected from Mosaic.  If you would like a copy emailed, please email  If anyone has a question relating to the accounts, it needs to be forwarded in writing to Reuben ( on or before Wednesday 23rd March so they can be responded to at the AGM.

Electrical Portable Appliance testing is to be carried out on Wednesday 23rd March. Please leave any equipment used for the church, which needs testing (items with a plug – not permanently wired in) in the main kitchen, the Burney Room or the platform area in the church. Many thanks The Property team

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: We are having an evening in Glengormley Presbyterian Church on Friday 25th March between 7:30pm and 9:30pm looking at the issue of Domestic Violence. This is a very emotive subject and sadly one that is all too prevalent within our community.  Sarah Coates will deliver this training in conjunction with the Policing Community Safety Partnership and Women’s Aid ABCLN. Sarah has worked, and continues to work, on behalf of victims and survivors of Domestic Abuse, providing training, awareness and support to all families living with the impact of Domestic Abuse. If you as an individual, or any group you know would like to attend this training then please email:

For full announcement sheet: 20th March 2022