Announcements 1st September 2019


Sunday 1st September

11:00am Morning Worship  Mr Ossie McAuley       

7:00pm Evening Worship  COMMUNION Rev John Dunlop

Discipleship Events

Mid-week Prayer meeting: Wednesday 4th September at 7:30pm in the Burney Room led by Rev Bobby Allen. Please join us and pray for church work, leaders and organisations as they start and also vacancy matters and for those sick or in hospital etc.

Leadership Notices

ALL Organisation Leaders: Please send in up to date information on your organisation times and dates to the office, so that Property can begin to set heating clocks for the Autumn session.

Organisation Notices

SUNDAY CLUB: We will resume after the summer break on Sunday 1st September. Please come to the McKinley Hall for 10:55 am or join us at the front of the church at 11am. We look forward to seeing everyone again!

SENIOR CLASS: We will meet on the second Sunday of every month, starting on Sunday 8th September. Please come to the Minor Hall when the Sunday Club leave during the church service. Everyone in First Form and above are welcome and we look forward to seeing you all!

CREW (YOUTH FELLOWSHIP): All young people of secondary school age and their parents are asked to meet after church this morning, 1st September, to hear about plans for this term and to complete consent forms.

The Golf Society outing to Carrickfergus on Monday 2nd September has been cancelled. Please speak to Peter Shepherd for further information.

Tuesday Night Bowls will recommence on Tuesday 3rd September at 7 pm. Everyone welcome.

For full announcements: 1st September 2019