Announcements 1st December 2019


Sunday 1st December

11:00am Morning Worship Rev Colin Morrison

7:00pm Evening Worship Series: Studies in James, Sermon: ‘Faith and Works’, Scripture: James 2 v 14-26, Rev George Moore

Discipleship Events

Mid-week Prayer meeting Wednesday 4th December at 7:30pm in the Burney Room led by Rev George Moore.

Organisation Notices

WALKING CLUB Christmas lunch will be held this Wednesday, 4th December, in Tullyglass House Hotel, Ballymena, at 12:30pm. All those with their name down, please meet in the Burney Room at 11am. Anyone wishing to join us, please speak to John Lindsay.

Thursday Together: Our Annual Carol Service will be taking place this week with Douglas leading and members of the group reading the lessons.  We will also have some members of the choir joining us in the carols.  You will be welcome to join us at 2:30pm in the Burney Room.

Church Notices

FWO CONTRIBUTIONS: The last day for receipt of contributions to be included in the 2019 financial statements is Sunday 29th December. Any contributions received after that date will be included in the 2020 financial statements.

THE HERALD magazines are available for collection from the library corner.

For full announcement sheet: 1st December 2019