Announcements 19th April 2015
Sunday 19th April
11.00am Morning Worship Communion. Series: Journey Like Jesus. Sermon: Pick up your mat. Scripture: John 5 v 1-18 Rev David Brice
7.00pm Evening Worship Communion. Rev David Brice
Discipleship Events
Mid-week BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 22nd April at 7.30pm in the Burney Room. Series: “All the Difference in the World(5) ” Studies in 1st Peter. Rev David Brice
Organisational Notices
PW committee members are reminded of the committee meeting on Monday 20th April at 7.30pm at 15 Glenwell Avenue.
Thursday Together: This week we will be having a Reminiscence Day when our members take part. We meet in the Burney Room at 2.30pm each Thursday.
FoG meet again on Friday 24th April at 7pm.
ORGANISATION LEADERS: Would all Organisation Leaders please check the Spring heating schedule on the Rota Board in Mosaic, to ensure appropriate heating times have been set? See Property Conveners about any queries. Also please put in writing when your organisation is closing for the Summer, and leave in the Pigeon hole in the office. Your co-operation is appreciated.
Holiday Bible Club: If you are interested in helping with this year’s Summer Holiday Bible Club, you please speak to Lesley Bell or Kenneth McLaughlin by Sunday 26th April 2015 or email
TAKING CARE FOUNDATION TRAINING: Monday 18th May 2015 at 7.30pm (tbc) High Street Presbyterian Church, Antrim. Leaders in charge – I have emailed you in relation to who still needs to attend this training. Please check this email and ensure that those concerned are made aware – this is the closest event (by far). Many Thanks, Lesley Bell
Congregational Notices
Office hours: There will be a temporary change in office hours. As from next week, they will be 12.30pm – 3.30pm. Announcements etc should be with office secretary by 12.30pm each Thursday. As a consequence Open Door will move to 12.30-2pm.
CHRISTIAN AID: A free lunch and a walk in the sun! Helpers are needed on Sunday 10th May (or during the week before) to deliver Christian Aid envelopes in the area. The envelopes only need to be posted through letter boxes. If you are available to help please sign the sheet in the vestibule or speak to Derek or Hazel Kyle. Lunch will be provided after church on Sunday 10 May for anyone who can help.
CONGRATULATIONS to Irene and Bill Colville on the occasion of their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on 30th March 2015.
For full announcement sheet: Announcement Sheet 19-4-15