Announcements 16th October 2016


Sunday 16th October

11.00am Morning Worship Shoe Box Sunday also Baptism of Baby Duddy. Sermon: ‘Servanthood – Jesus washes the disciples feet’ Scripture: John 13 v 1-17 Rev David Brice

7.00pm Evening Worship With interview of Edgar and Sandra McKinney Rev David Brice


Leadership Events

Kirk Session meeting Tuesday 18th October at 7.30pm in the Burney Room (Agendas available from Minister’s Room.)

Congregational Meeting Wednesday 19th October at 7.30pm.  To discuss the necessary repair to the church roof. The  congregation will hear two reports, one on the state of the roof and the other the state of our finances and the cost of funding repairs.  Several resolutions will be brought to the congregation to discern the scale of repair and renovation as follows:

  1. That the report be received.
  2. That modification of the church tower be added to the specification of repair and renovation (additional cost £1,700 approx.)
  3. That a replacement glass door and shutter for the hall entrance and replacement flooring for the hall corridor be added to the specification of repair and renovation  (additional cost £7,000 approx.)
  4. That  further internal modifications be added to the specification of repair and renovation, specifically ____________________________________ .
  5. That the congregation proceed to vote on the specification, with amendments  according to the decisions taken in resolutions 1- 3.
  6. That the congregation undertake a scheme of work on the church building to include: the replacement of roofing tiles on church building roof and tower,  additional loft insulation, replacement of ceiling tiles, replacement of ceiling lighting, any necessary rewiring, the installation of a safety walkway in loft and the  re-pointing of the church tower.  Subject to any necessary permissions required by Presbytery and the Assembly Architectural Committee.

There is no mid week bible study this week due to the Congregational Meeting.


Organisation Notices

PW (Presbyterian Women) – our next meeting is on Monday 17th October 2016 in the Burney Room at 8.00pm. Special speaker is Rev David Brice – subject “My Story”. All Ladies Welcome.

TIME OUT 4 U: Tuesday 18th and 25th October, 10.00-11.30am please see Amy Hunter for details.

Men Together Outing on Wednesday, 19th October – a trip around Belfast’s historic shipyard on the ‘wee tram’, followed by coffee at the Dock Cafe.  If you wish to go you should sign your name on the sheet in Mosaic.  We will meet at the church at 9.15am.

THURSDAY TOGETHER: This week Julie Fenton from the Child Evangelism Fellowship [C.E.F.]  will be giving us an update on this vital work amongst children.  We meet in the Burney Room at 2.30pm.


Church Notices

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD – SHOEBOX APPEAL 2016: This is the 17th year that we in GPC have participated in the Shoebox Appeal. Since we started this work in 2000, every year more individuals and organisations from within the church have become involved in the collection. This has enabled the team to increase the number of boxes collected and made up from 86 in 2000 to 220 last year. We hope to equal that number (or increase it this year). Please come and join us after this mornings service in Mosaic for a cup of tea or coffee and a bun or tray bake. A token gesture of your appreciation would help enable us to keep the Appeal going. Thank you all for your continued support as always. God Bless. Ann, Maureen and the Team.

For full announcement sheet: 16th-october-2016