Announcements 14th November 2021
Sunday 14th November 2021
10:30am Remembrance Sunday Rev Reuben McCormick – live streamed
12noon Remembrance Sunday Rev Reuben McCormick – in person only
6:30pm Rev Reuben McCormick – in person only
Leadership Notices
CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE Meeting, Tuesday 16th November at 8pm in the church.
Organisation Notices
PW MISSION BOXES/DONATIONS: PW Mission boxes/donations are due this month. Please give to Valerie Raphael, Vera Noble or leave on collection plate in envelope marked PW. Thanks for your cooperation.
LEPROSY BOXES/DONATIONS: Leprosy boxes/donations are now due. Please give to Rosemary Ruddy or leave on collection plate in an envelope marked Leprosy Mission. Thank you.
PARENT & TODDLERS GROUP: An online Registration Form is now available on the Church’s website and on Facebook. The closing date for completion of this Form is Friday, 9 December. We would love to welcome as many as possible to our Group but unfortunately our numbers will be greatly reduced due to COVID restrictions. Also all who wish to attend must complete and forward this form to the email address given. The start date is Thursday, 13 January 2022 from 10.30 to 12 noon and we will be in touch with all those who complete and forward the form. Looking forward to seeing you all again.
For full announcement sheet: 14th November 2021