Announcements 12th November 2017


11:00am Morning Worship REMEMBRANCE SERVICE Series: Journey Like Jesus Sermon: ‘A Godly Life in a Broken World’ Scripture: John 17 v 6-19 Rev David Brice

7:00pm Evening Worship Series: Discovering Jesus Sermon: ‘Our Inheritance’ Rev David Brice

Discipleship Events

MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 15th November at 7:30pm in the Burney Room “Faith for today” with Rev Bobby Allen

Organisation Notices

Thursday Together: Major Eleanor Haddock from the Salvation Army will be our guest speaker this week.  Eleanor will be talking about her work as Director for Homelessness in both the North and South of Ireland.  We meet in the Burney Room at 2.30pm on Thursday 16th November.

Church Notices

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: There will be a brief meeting of the Congregation after the morning service this morning after this mornings service, the purpose of which is to update the congregation on the consideration of further internal modifications to the church, as requested by the Congregation at the meeting held last October to discuss the necessary repair of the church roof.

EARL HAIG FUND: There will be a retiring collection for The Earl Haig Fund after this mornings service.

PRESBYTERIAN HERALD: The November issue of the Presbyterian Herald are available for collection from the library corner.

SAFE CHURCH: We were given the Safe Church Award on Wednesday night 8th November at an Award Ceremony at Mossley Mill. We had already been designated a Safe Place 3 years ago, in relation to supporting and signposting anyone experiencing domestic abuse. Amy Hunter, Essie Brice and Lesley Bell attended Safe Church training in September to gain this award.  Look out for more information coming out soon or speak to one of these designated people for more information.

For full announcement sheet : 12th November 2017