Announcements 11th September 2022


Sunday 11th September 2022

10:30am Rev Reuben McCormick – live streamed

6:30pm Prayer Meeting

Leadership Notices

KIRK SESSION  Meeting Tuesday 13th September at 7:30pm. Agendas have been emailed. Hard copies for those who do not use email are available from the Minister’s room desk.

Discipleship Notices

LIFE GROUPS are resuming. Why not join with others to study the Bible and enjoy fellowship together! Speak to David Johnston or group contacts for further details. Groups meet as follows:

1st & 4th Tuesdays 7:30pm Zoom (Davy Mullan)

3rd Tuesday (from 20th Sept) 7pm Zoom (Ruth Milligan)

1st & 3rd Wednesdays (from Oct) 7pm in GPC (Lesley Bell)

Wednesdays fortnightly (from 23rd Sept) 8pm Zoom (David Johnston)

1st & 2nd Thursdays 10:30am in GPC (Bryan Marshall)

Thursdays fortnightly (from 8th Sept) 7:30pm in GPC (Alison Orr)

Organisation Notices

GLOW will start on Sunday 11th September during the morning service.

PARENT AND TODDLERS: We are pleased to announce that Parent and Toddlers will open again on Thursday 15th September from 10:30am to 12 noon. Registration is available online or forms can be completed on arrival. Looking forward to welcoming you once again.

RAINBOWS, BROWNIES AND GUIDES will start on Thursday 15th September at 6:30pm. Registration is via Guiding UK website.

For full announcement sheet: 11th September 2022