Announcements 10th March 2019
11:00am Morning Worship including introduction to Project Romania Team, Series: Grounded on God’s Love (Walking with Christ), Sermon: ‘A new way of relating’ Scripture: Ephesians 5 v 21-33, Rev David Brice
7:00pm Evening Worship Series: Christ’s Return, Rev David Brice
Discipleship Events
MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY: There will be no Mid Week Meeting this week due to AGM. Mid Week resumes on Wednesday 20th March at 7:30pm in the Burney Room with Edgar McKinney
Leadership Notices
GDPR TRAINING: All members of Kirk Session, Church Committee, Life Group and Organisation Leaders are required to attend training on Tuesday 12th March at 7:30pm in the church.
Kirk Session: Tuesday 12th March. Following GDPR training there will be a brief Kirk Session meeting in the Burney Room to deal with essential business.
Organisation Notices
Thursday Together: This week our guest speaker will be Kathy Wolfe who is based in our local Barron Hall. Kathy will be giving us information on community events and services. We meet in the Burney Room at 2:30pm.
Church Notices
AGM Wednesday 13th March at 7:30pm in the McKinley Hall: In preparation for our AGM accounts are available for the congregation on the sign up desk. Any questions need to be submitted by today to Rev Brice.
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: Wednesday 13th March at 7:30pm. We will hear brief reports, receive the memorial roll, enjoy singing by the choir followed by supper. There will be an offering for Project Romania.
For full announcement sheet: 10th March 2019