3rd May 2020


Please join us on Sunday morning as we stay at home and link in with our Moderator’s Service at https://www.presbyterianireland.org/

Church Notices

PRAYER MEETING: Sunday 3rd May at 7pm via Zoom. Email: office@glengormley.org, message our Facebook page Glengormley Presbyterian Church or telephone 028 93352536 for Meeting ID.

LIFE GROUPS: Some of our life groups are continuing to meet for bible study and prayer via Zoom. If you are interested in joining one, please contact us for details.

Vacancy Update

A word from our convener.. and our new minister elect!

Had things gone according to our plans, your new minister the Rev Reuben McCormick, would have now  begun his work In Glengormley. However, we have learned once again that our ways are not God’s ways, so we must wait patiently and with faith, as things unfold  in His timing.

In the meantime, please continue to support one another and  pray for those who are struggling with  bereavement, illness or other difficulties. Kirk Session are working hard to keep things together so please encourage them as they do that and please be assured that  I am here to  help when I can.

But in the meantime, a word from Reuben…

“I think it is safe to say that none of us saw this coming in our journey together! This past season of life has been unlike anything else preceding it.  Glenda, the kids and I want you to know that we are looking forward to living and ministering alongside you. We, like you, are trusting God’s timing and leading in the physical moving and beginning of this new chapter ahead.  

In the past few weeks, Glenda and I have been reflecting on Romans 8 v 28: ‘For in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him.’ Even in this time of waiting and delay, we trust that God has all of this in His hands and He will work it for His, and our collective good. Be assured we continue to pray for you all and we can say with certainty that we have been blessed by your prayers for us.”

God bless you all in these uncertain days.  Colin Morrison

For full announcement sheet: 3rd May 2020