2nd December 2018


Sunday 2nd December

11:00am Morning Worship Series: Grounded in God’s Love Sermon: ‘Therefore – Know God’s Serving Grace’ Scripture: Ephesians 3 v 1-13 Rev David Brice

6:00pm Evening Worship Begin, Belong, Become Song Café Service. Guest Speaker Rev David Montgomery

Discipleship Events

MID WEEK BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday 5th December at 7:30pm in the Burney Room. Series – the 7 Churches of Revelation. Rev Bobby Allen

Organisation Notices

PW (Presbyterian Women) next meet on Monday 3rd December 2018 at 8:00pm in MOSAIC. Topic: Beauty of Christmas. ALL LADIES WELCOME.

RECYCLED CLOTHES FOR PW MISSIONS: Please continue to bring men’s, ladies and children’s clothes, shoes, boots, slippers, belts, underwear, socks, curtains, cushions and bed linen. Also collecting LAUNDERED duvets and pillows for Romanian Project. Thank you.

The Walking Club will meet on Wednesday, 5th December at 9.30 am in the Burney Room.  We hope to walk at Antrim. New walkers are always welcome.

PARENT AND TODDLERS: Christmas Party is on 6th December at 10:00am. All parents, Carers and Toddlers are welcome. Hope to see you there. All helpers on the toy rota are welcome to join us for a light lunch at 12noon on Thursday 6th December after the Children’s Christmas Party.

Thursday Together: This week we will be having our Lessons and Carols  Service.   Our members will be taking part in the readings and some of our church choir will also be joining us.  Rev Bobby Allen will bring the Epilogue and we welcome non members to  join us in the Burney Room at 2:30pm for the beginning of Christmas.

BOOK HUB will meet at 7:00pm on Friday 7th December to discuss ‘Midwinter Break’ by Bernard MacLaverty

Church Notices

The December/January edition of the Presbyterian Herald is ready for collection from the library corner.

FOOD BANK: For the month of December we are making a basket available so that you can donate non-perishable food items that would be used weekly to feed a family. Any items from your kitchen cupboard or grocery shop would be greatly appreciated. These will then find their way to struggling local families in the aftermath of Christmas.

For full announcement sheet: 2nd December 2018