Announcements 12th January 2020


Sunday 12th January 2020

11:00am Morning Worship  Series: Studies in the life of Abraham, Sermon: ‘Faith and Life’, Scripture: Genesis 12 v 1-9 Rev George Moore 

7:00pm Evening Worship Rev Colin Morrison

Discipleship Events

PRAYER MEETING: Sunday 12th January at 6:30pm in the Minor Hall.

MID-WEEK BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER MEETING Wednesday 15th January 2020 at 7:30pm – led by Sam Black.

Leadership Notices

PROPERTY SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING at 7pm on Tuesday 14th January in the Minister’s Room.

CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEE MEETING at 7:30pm on Tuesday 14th January in the Burney Room.

KIRK SESSION MEETING at 8:30pm on Tuesday 14th January in the Burney Room.

Organisation Notices

ART CLUB will start on Tuesday 14th January at 9:30am. New members are welcome.

THURSDAY TOGETHER: Today we will be celebrating Communion with the Rev George Moore.  This is not just for our members but is an open meeting to anyone who would like to join us, maybe you cannot come to Sunday morning Church Communion, this is your chance on Thursday 16th at 2:30pm in the Burney Room.

For full announcement sheet: 12th January 2020